The umbrella stroller we have received great reviews and my friends who have it love it. It folds in half and takes up much less room in the trunk than the big carriage. The problem is that both my husband and I are too tall for it. We kick it with our feet and strain our backs and arms pushing our 38 lb toddler around in it.
Now that my husband is a SAHD and we are approaching the cold wintery months, he would like to be able to take Lilly out places. Lilly is a darter/runner and when we are at places like the mall, she needs to be in her stroller. Hence the reasons for a new lightweight stroller. It really is a safety issue with Lilly.
Just in the nick of time comes the Mom Bloggers Club giveaway this Thursday for one of five Mamas and Papas lightweight strollers. They are from the UK and are a new to the U.S. baby gear brand that has five very cool lightweight strollers. We all know that traditionally UK strollers are amazing. I remember my mom had one when my brothers were little. How I would love that big old pram now! Mamas and Papas sell more than strollers. They also carry very cool highchairs, baby carriers and toys. They also have full-sized carriages in addition to the several lightweight stroller models.
Here are some of the models:
Mamas and Papas brand can be found at Babies R Us online. Oh, and check them out on facebook or on twitter!
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