Wednesday, May 20, 2009

exercise and such

I am finally fed up with all the weight that I am gaining back. I had lost sooo much weight after I had Lilly. It was like it had melted off. Well, that was short lived. I think that #1 I was gaining back some of the fluid I lost when I hemorrhaged after Lilly's birth and that #2 I had to regain some of the muscle I lost. I lost weight during my pregnancy (12 lbs) and then gained about 5 pounds back at the end of it. Then by my 6 week postpartum visit I was a total of 40 pounds less than my first maternity visit. So by the end of my pregnancy and all last summer I had no butt and skinny arms and legs. Anyone who knows me that I don't naturally have skinny arms or legs and I have a butt. I am just built that way...pretty muscular. So, in my head, I know that some of the weight I gained back was muscle. I have my normal butt, arms and legs back. But when I step on the scale, my heart sinks. #3 is that Lilly is not nursing night and day. She still nurses a lot, but nearly what she did before food. The combination of the 3 factors has lead to me gaining back 20 of those 40 pounds. So, okay, I am still 20 pounds less than I was before I had Lilly. But I still have a lot to loose.

And to be honest, I don't want to diet. I hate dieting and I don't think it really works. I always find ways to cheat but still stay on the plan. I don't want to be a sneaky eater. I want to be an honest eater. So I am trying to make better choices. Not let myself get to the starving point. Drink enough water. Move my body most days of the week.

Today I went for a good-paced walk pushing the jogger (and Lilly) with my friend Caroline in the park. Also, instead of napping during Lilly's morning nap I did the 20-minute Winsor Pilates DVD. My core strength is just completely depleted since pregnancy and a c-section. My belly is actually the only thing that really bothers me.

Off to bathe and nurse Lilly girl!


VanBeads said...

Oh, man, I feel your pain! The day before I had the c-section, I weighed 198 lb at the doctor's office. When I went back two weeks later for my post-op checkup, I was down to 147 lb. But I never really got back into my pre-pregnancy jeans because I have this BELLY. It's driving me mad. And my chest is bigger, too. So none of my clothes fit me around the waist and chest. My arms and legs and everything else are all still the same size that they were, but the belly is driving me mad. I've been saying since January that I am going to join the gym and start exercising, but it hasn't happened yet. Maybe soon, though...

Unknown said...

Oh, the belly is infuriating. After doing some reading I found out that it is really hard to get rid of the belly after a c-section. I guess it makes sense...they are cutting your muscles. I guess that is why celebs who have them supposedly get the tuck at the same time.