Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Not only off the band wagon...

...but run over by it! Seriously, being at home this week has sucked in terms of eating. Couple that with being totally PMSy and an eating machine is born. And not healthy things like carrots and apples. I can start again tomorrow, right? Right? I know I could start right now, but I am not planning on eating anything else tonight as it is after 10pm. I have an 8:30am appointment with the endocrinologist tomorrow so maybe I will have something to post tomorrow. Or maybe not, who knows!?

On a totally different note, I feel like a bad mom today. It was just one of those days when I was feeling PMSy (see above) and Lilly was being a typical toddler who does not usually get to see Mommy all day. She had tantrums about e.v.e.r.y. thing and I was not the most patient mommy today. I was crying about it later and she said, "Mommy sad?" I told her that yes, I was sad because sometimes mommies get sad too, but I was okay. I smiled at her and she gave me a kiss. That only made me feel even worse. I am resolved to be a better mom tomorrow. Today (and yesterday to be honest) were just bad days. I know I am a good mom. I do. I just get down on myself sometimes.


GinaC84 said...

You can always get back into WW. It's tough because I know the feeling of having a bad food day. I would say, "Well I screwed up! No turning back!" but really it doesn't have to be that way. We all have days (and weeks!) where we just slack and eat whatever, but that doesn't mean you can't come back to eating well.

And you are an awesome Mommy!!!!!!!


Unknown said...

Thanks Gina! You are an awesome cheerleader, sister-friend!


VanBeads said...

Melanie, you can always get back to the WW. We had a lapse when Tom was in the hospital last month getting his appendix out, which we were totally not expecting, but then I got back on the WW and he has yet to make an attempt. But you can do it.

I also just joined a gym near my house - it's super cheap, and it gives me a little away time.

I do know how you feel about being overwhelmed by it all. Working form home, trying to take care of Colden and take care of my work and take care of the dog, the house, the chickens, and then try to find a little time to spend with Tom and then try to find a little time for myself... It's definitely not easy. Colden has this thing where he loooooves to yank on my hair or pinch me, and some days, I get so angry when he does it that it takes every ounce of my self-control to get up and walk away from him before I scream my head off or do something worse. And then I always feel bad because I feel like I'm a terrible mother and an even worse human being in general. But the fact is that we're all just normal.

I think the important thing to remember is that we do what we do because we love our families, and everything will work out okay in the end, I believe.

Hang in there, girlfriend!

Unknown said...

Aww thanks Jen! It is so good to know that I am not alone in all this!! You hang in there, too! I am so glad I have so many friends on WW right now. It is like a virtual support group!!