Thursday, April 8, 2010

Wordy Wednesday

So many people have Wordless Wednesday blogs that I decided to be a little different.  Plus Vinnie has class tonight so it is a good night for me to sit down and do some blogging.  Of course I am now sitting here blogging instead of cleaning...mopping, laundry, dishes, organizing, putting things away, working on my resume, etc. just as I finished that last sentence Lilly woke up screaming in the middle of what (I believe) is a night terror.  And in the middle of comforting her Vinnie came home from school.  yada yada yada...we ate dinner and I had no me-time.  Not to mention the fact that my Wordy Wednesday post will be posted on Thursday.  Shh...don't tell!

I have been having a really hard time getting back to WW in a solid way.  I have been doing okay but not great.  I miss the gym and I miss yoga.  I miss being prepared so that I can make healthy eating choices without a lot of thought/effort.  I keep trying to focus on the big picture.  It is not such a big deal, in the long run, that I have had one day/week/etc when I was off-track.  I may not lose weight this week, or next for that matter.  But eating healthy, exercising, finding time for me and relaxation are all part of the bigger picture of a healthier, calmer, happier me.  So tomorrow I start again.  And maybe if I get enough sleep tonight (fingers crossed) I will have enough energy to go to the gym.

And just maybe I will mop my kitchen floor this week!

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