Tuesday, August 16, 2011

back in the (running shoes) again

Over the weekend I was not feeling well and so I did not exercise at all.  It was a midol and heating pad kind of weekend.  Yesterday it was pouring in the morning and in the afternoon I was still not feeling great.  Because last Thursday was my off day from my walk/run that means that I had not gone in 6 days! 

I was so not motivated to go today.  I really would have preferred to take a nap or read my book.  But I went.  I even had talked myself into just walking if I needed to.  But I ran.  I was able to more or less keep the pace I had last week. Even with humidity like pea soup.  I felt awesome!


Frannie said...

Good for you Mel!!! Proud of you...still haven't gotton my ass on the treadmill...

stephanie said...

I know the feeling. Sunday it rained and Monday. No motivation for the gym. Was raining tuesday morning. Here it is Wednesday at 530 am and I am dressed to run. Sometimes it helps me to put on workout clothes first thing to remind me I must workout

Unknown said...

That is a good idea Stephanie. I think once I put my running shoes on I am good. :) I am considering trying to go in the morning before work, gulp! I am not sure how that will work out, but it might be the best way for me to ensure I get it in once September rolls around.

Thanks Frannie!! let's meet for a walk some day!