Thursday, August 4, 2011

Going to a new doctor is like going on a 1st date

My beloved primary care physician is not covered by my current health insurance.  She has not been on there all school year, in fact, but I kept going to her and paying the whole thing and then getting the reimbursement for 80%.  I really love her and trust her and to me, that was worth it.  I went every few months so she could check in on any ongoing issues.  I have been to doctors who were on the mean side about losing weight or who had little bedside manner.  If I am on my deathbed, bedside manner goes out the window.  But when I am working with a doctor in a long term relationship, I want to be comfortable.

I did a lot of research, starting with Maplewoodonline to find someone who came highly recommended by my peers.  Then I dug a little deeper (thank you Google!) to find someone who I thought fit with my sensibilities.  I believe in using a mix of both modern and Asian medicines and my last doctor was all for it.  I found someone who I will be seeing for the first time tomorrow morning. I am, of course, a little nervous, but it is something I need to do.  I need and want to be responsible for my health if for no reason than for Lilly.  So I have 1st date jitters tonight.  It's a good thing my appointment is for 8:30am!

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