I was visiting a friend recently, who had just celebrated her year anniversary of running her first 5K. (you can correct me if I'm wrong Steph.) My sister-in-law Gina started running 5Ks recently, as well. An old high school friend does triathlons! My world is full of inspiring women who show me just what is possible.
Stephanie had told me that I should do this 5K in the fall that her brother is organizing. I immediately thought that I could never do that. Times, they are a-changing. If you have been reading along, you know that I decided last week, to stop thinking, and just do.
I have been following a plan, mostly based on the couch to 5K program, of walking and running intervals. I am not overextending, but also not stopping just because I feel like I am not a runner. I always believed: that running was something you were good at or not; that people who run feel great the whole time; that people who run are thin. All of those are not true. Maybe some people are better runners than others. Maybe some people are actually bad, but I don't know. I do know that because I am following a plan and only pushing myself a little more each time I go, I am feeling better about it.
Stephanie put the seed in my head that yes, I could run this 5K, even if that means that I walk/run it. I had basically put that aside though, even as I started running. And then. Yes, here it is...a completely different friend sent me a message when she saw my cardiotrainer run time and distance pop up on facebook. She said that she knew about this 5K, the same one that Stephanie told me about, and wishes that she could do it. (I won't out you unless you out yourself. xo) Huh. Now I want to run this 5K. Seriously! Did I ever think in a million years that I would want to even register for such a thing????
Thank you friends for getting me thinking that, YES I can!
I will do it with you, even if I have to walk it. But I am SURE you can do it.
You can totally do it! Yes, you first minute you may say Am I nuts? When I did my first 5K at Brookdale park, I got up the hill and was like I am not going to make it. But guess what I made it. And a year later did the same race and beat it by over 2 minutes. I went from 5K to halh marathon is 7 months! You let me know when you want to do one and I will do it with you. I will run it with you to keep pushing. I dont care about my times< i care more about motivating my friends!
Thank you so much Stephanie! I am excited to try, though, yes, I may think I am nuts! lol
I can relate to this entry on so many levels. I too thought for the longest time that runners were all super fit, fast, and that running wasn't something I was capable of. But after doing the Half Marathon training course, I realized that all of those myths about running simply aren't true. When is the 5K? I'd love to do one (or a bunch!) with you. I think you'll really enjoy 'em! xoxos and keep up the amazing work!!!! -Gina
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